Since as long as anyone can remember, Canadian indie musician Nikolas L. B. has been laboriously constructing an ever-expanding menagerie of strange and wonderful musical works, each exploring new ways of marrying surreal imagery, introspective lyricism and a persistently bold and explorative musicianship.
This repertoire, defined by eras of experimentation, has crystallized to regularly incorporate elements of rhythmically informed rock music (like that of the New York new-wave scene of the 1970s and 80s), lyric-centric North American and British folk-music (as explored on Odes of Ilk) and flavours of avant-jazz and jazz-fusion music (a la The Lounge Lizards, Tom Waits, Morphine).

︎: nikolasbarkman@gmail.com
︎: @nikolas.l.b
Bandcamp: nikolaslb.bandcamp.com
Spotify: Nikolas L. B.
Apple Music: Nikolas L. B.